"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." -Aristotle, Greek philosopher.
Need To Know Information:
Tutor: Ann Lai.
Phone #: (845) 477-3769.
Payment: Cash only.
Hours: Monday-Friday after school. Summer hours vary.
Service Areas: Greenwood Lake and the surrounding area.
ProfessionalExperience : ESL/English Teacher, Substitute
Teacher & Teachers Assistant.
Effective September 1, 2005 |
Read, edit & correct essays, reports, etc.
Help students with subjects they are having difficulties with.
Research Project Help
$30 an hour
Help students focus on project requirements. Assist them with research, planning, writing, editing.
NYS English Regents, ELA Exams, Reading Exams
Teach students the basic skills to help pass these exams. Practice exams will be gone over.
*Group rates are given. Groups must have at least 2 students & at most 5 students.
**Rates given depending on type of tutoring & number of students.
***Prices subject to change without notice.